The D'Arbres Chronicles
Episode V.
The Party
Braegon: Male Human, Mage of Deep Earth. Party Leader
Chevalier Roke con Sartra: Male Human Enchanter. Military
Sir Mortimer Graves: Male Halfling Warlock. Scribe
Serendipity, Baroness Godrock; Burgrave of Bergelfen: Female Elven Mage
of Utterdark.
Kin-san, Female Erelheine Enchanter and Archer.
Pent: Male Halfling, an Ice Mage.
Part 1: Duesday 1 Meadow 805
As I write these notes it is strange to think that the odd events
herein are both but a few weeks in the past and are also ancient
history of some thirty millennia. But I am getting ahead of
myself and should sensibly perhaps begin at
It was the afternoon of Duesday the first of Meadow in the
805, by the Western reckoning, that we were asked to attend
Dramus, an elf of no little refinement and means, and learn
the details of work requiring the skills and abilities of experienced
adventurers. Hugh D'Amberville, Baron Newcourt, had sent word of
supernatural events in the area of the village of D'Arbres, far in the
north of his lands. Newourt's vassal Sir Christopher Reynard, himself a
member of the Guild, holds the fief that includes D'Arbres within its
extent, but as he was inextricably involved with actions against the
Dark Circle, Newcourt desired to have a Guild group
in Reynard's stead, and had passed word to this effect to the Guild, by
way of Dramus .
The information that Dramus relayed was plain enough; a ghost was
haunting D'Arbres, much to the consternation of the locals who desired
it stopped. Standard Guild rates were to be paid, along with a
bonus provided by one of the several fairy courts that surround the
village, calculating to a grand total of 250sp per week. The calibre of
the assembled persons seemed perhaps in excess
of the
requirements, although jokes were made about the Guild sensibly
dispatching a Namer and a Necromancer given the nature of the work, but
since my companions had no complaints about the arranged fee our
considerable experience was no impediment to accepting the mission.
After perfunctory introductions, for each of us has worked with the
others on previous occasions, and the satisfaction of Guild
requirements by the appointment of
Braegon as party leader -- how we look forward to his watch schedules
-- Roke as Military leader, and Mortimer, that is to say, myself, as
your humble scribe, we
considered a brief recap of
information about D'Arbres. The area around the village has been well
documented by previous scribes, so I will omit unnecessary details here
in the pursuit of brevity. If the reader is interested in
information may I recommend to them the following notes in the Guild
library: (Summer 804 WK: The Root of All Evil, or When You Wish Upon A
Leprechaun; Summer 803 WK: Wyvern Hunting, or Tails you Lose; Spring
802 WK: Investigation of D'Arbres; ???).
Dramus presently transported us by way of his house to the high mana
forest some few miles from the village, and from there we made our way
on foot into D'Arbres. The village itself is a picture of
bucolic harmony and plenty, taken somewhat to the edge of the surreal;
the peasants are clean of limb, strong of thew, and indeed rosy of
cheek. There we met with Reeve Cohart, Sir Christopher's
representative in the village, who gave us details of the their
supposedly supernatural visitor.
Cohart reported that the ghost, for such as she has been identified by
the superstitious villagers, appeared to be that of a elven woman, tall
and dressed in a long white gown. Rather oddly for a ghost
however she was seen in daylight, every few days around noon, and she
drifted through the village, following the ley line that bisects it,
attempting to communicate with the villagers. A quick trial of
languages with Cohart confirmed her speech as Eldarin, that is to say
the ancient language of the elves. All in all the village's
ghost seemed rather unusual.
As we had arrived in the afternoon, and since the mysterious figure was
not expected again until noon the next day, we considered the ways that
we might while away a few hours. D'Arbre's charms seemed few for
foreigners so after discussion with Kin regarding her last visit to
these parts we decided to investigate the tomb or barrow that lies
under the village. Previous scribes have no doubt described
this construction at length, but suffice to say that the sole entrance
to the barrow lies some twenty miles to the north and east, and then a
tunnel connects back to the village under earth.
We travelled a small way into the forest where Kin tempted forth a
brownie named Bunt by use of strong liquor, and we received permission
to travel through the forest in return for additional volatile
liquid. From there we flew to the large stone head that
guards the entrance to the tunnel; there being no visible entry unless
by the will of the stone guardian. Aura readings showed that
the stone is the avatar of "Roche" and that it causes death.
Roke took the simple course of asking aloud if the guardian might
"please let us into the tunnel", at which, the the surprise of all, the
tunnel opened and stairs lowered into the ground. We
descended into the earth, and after discussion on the safest way to fly
the length of the tunnel, we set off. Arriving without
incident at the other end we stood in a chamber that ended in a pair of
large golden doors inscribed all over with intricate writings in the
ancient draconic script. Reading an excerpt from the doors
Kin was able to state that one Kesrin, a hero of many epithets, was
"buried /
entombed, waiting to fight the darkness that is to come".
As we examined the doors it became apparent that they were not
completely flush; one was slightly ajar. This was not the
case when Kin had last been here so further investigations were done.
Magic could not pass the doors, and they were to take an indeterminate
time to open, but they would open for the right people.
At this point Roke took the simple-minded course of asking aloud if the
doors might
"please open", at which, to the considerable shock of all, the
doors opened, a wave of sepulchral air washed over us, and all fell to
Part 2: Date Unknown, Day 1,
We each awoke, sitting bound in a forest, accompanied by five strange
and equally bound elves and watched over by another elven man. It
dawned upon us that the five
others were indeed our companions, though the bodies were not our own,
not even those of the party who are normally elven. The count
of males and females did however appear off, and it transpired that
Pent's new body was, in addition to being elven, of the female
As the elderly and unbound elf watching over us announced that "it is
all my fault" I mistook him initially for Roke, but he announced
himself as one Astronia, the Seer for Lord Foras, master of the Leaping
Tiger clan. (Given the apparent connections between Foras, the demonic
"President and Lord of Seekers" and the area in which we
ourselves, suspicions were immediately raised that this may be more
than a simple
linguistic coincidence).
Astronia explained that he was involved in a great project, an enormous
construction work that would culminate in the burying of a powerful
against a great darkness that he had foreseen in the distant future. He
had however also foreseen problems and sabotage, and had organized for
a "Star of Kohath" -- an order of Inquisitors -- to come and aid
him. Fearing that the Star may be biased, he had ambushed
them en
route, and having
bound them, had summoned our spirits through
time, from the opening of the doors, to inhabit the bodies. He also
wished that we might assist him. He says
that we are bound for our own safety; we smile and nod and make no
sudden moves.
Astronia freed us from our bonds, and further questioning revealed that
we were still in nearly the same geographical location as we had been,
the area is under a concealment to make it difficult to find or enter,
that this is the fourth year of work in this area on the project, and
that far away,
over the ocean to the West in the lands of Arcadia,
the last elven empress, Letheana of clan Noble Sapphire Day has ruled
for over a decade, making our current temporal position somewhere very
shortly before the War of Tears.
He also told us that "the way home lies through death"; that should we
die, and once the bond between body and soul was broken, we would find
ourselves back in our original bodies -- though this did not bode well
for our
"hosts". Astronia told us a little of the Order of Kohath;
they were clanless and had twelve founders. Their headquarters lies
beyond the Gattar Depression, and they were called in to act as
investigators, judges and even executioners.
Astronia gave us directions to the camp and then left, so
that we
might enter the camp separately, allowing his to continue the pretence
that this was the original Star arriving. It was a
hours before dawn, so we took time to check over our new bodies, and
make various disparaging remarks about the paucity of
equipment. Mana here is very fresh and free; not high mana
exactly, but spell effects seem greater and last longer.
Each of the inquisitors was quite distinct in the equipment they
carried, and from some brief experiments, in their abilities and
attributes. A full description of each may be found in the
Appendices. Briefly though, the party members and the bodies in which
they found themselves were:
- Braegon - J'anthro
- Roke - Atuni
- Mortimer - Drake
- Serendipity - Sabine
- Kin - T'manth
- Pent - K'lyn
In addition to our personal equipment there were also seven horses, six
for riding and one bearing a large chest. The chest was magically
trapped, and keyed to an individual true name, save for a small
separate compartment. We decided that having little information about
the chest we would leave it be.
Armed and armoured we made for the camp which was impressive for its
size and scope, being effectively two towns and
between them immense excavations.
We entered from the main road north, and Seren at once felt a "palpable
miasma of death" -- a sense or ability which she does not normally
possess. Few people were in evidence, and of those
hid when they saw us Inquisitors. We rode to the largest and
ornate building, where our mounts were taken by servants and the sealed
chest was whisked away. The building was organic; a single
warped into shape, with plush mossy floors.
We were lead into the presence of the lord of these lands, and master
of the project underway, Lord Foras. He appeared as a powerful and
elven man, with a surprising strength of aura and an affinity for
illusory magics. He greeted us, but had little time to spare
we were placed in the care of a servant, one J'Rinth, and shown to a
suite of rooms. There we met Astronia's assistant seer Celon,
young woman tasked with aiding us.
Celon explained that we were in Lord Foras's summer palace.
years ago, Astronia the seer foresaw dark times in the far future and
convinced Lord Foras to begin a great project to aid against the
darkness. The project has been underway now for fifteen years
is expected to finish by winter. The project however has not
without problems, and Astronia suspects that some force is attempting
prevent its completion. A month back there was a serious
accident that may have been sabotage, and recently Theandria, another
of the assistant seers has seen a mass poisoning in the "volunteer
camp" -- apparently the larger town to the south.
To orient us Celon takes us to the office of Nydindra, the chief
architect of the project, upon whose wall there is a great mural
depicting the workings and camps. (see map in the Appendices). The
tells us that the long tunnel is to channel off the emanations from the
"guardian", and that Danras is in charge of the guardian ritual, but
does not know how
edifice under construction will be used. It appears even from
cursory examination that information at the site has been
compartmentalised, with each of the specialists knowing little of the
overall scheme. Being cynical and suspicious adventurer types
this leads us to wonder and quietly discuss the possibility that the
purpose of the project may not be benign.
We are given the chance to witness a small portion of the ritual:
- Volunteers in white
robes lie
on slabs.
- Mages perform ritual magic.
- Volunteers remain awake and
apparently willing.
- Mages
stab and slash victims.
- Spirit rises from body and
merges with wall.
- Ritual continues.
- Body crumbles.
- Walls are now bound earth.
- Spirits
remain sentient in the walls.
From speaking with Celon we gain the following information:
- Five months of construction
- 26 days of work under the
- 10,000 volunteers.
- 40 have backed out and are
being keep under guard
- Least resource are mages
- Also slabs took four years
each to
make, but are very tough.
- Volunteer's camp master,
Sophias, is responsible for selection
for volunteers.
We follow the unfinished tunnel from the ritual site to the
tomb, and there meet Master Hora the shaper.
There are people carving stone in big slabs making the doors of the
that bear the rather long winded, and mostly fictional story
Kesrin the Hero. The writing on the doors is the work of paid writers
constructing fictional tales of Kesrin (the human hero), translated by
some other bored scholars into ancient draconic. Kesrin in the stories
is human since the seers believe that in that distant time when the
tomb is opened humans will be ascendant and more accepting of the tales
on the doors if they appear to be about a human rather than an elf.
Screwy elven logic.
The chest that our hosts brought is now open (the ITN lock was keyed to
Foras), and full of many minor shaped items. The separate compartment
held an inventory of the items. Hora is extracting the
shaped magics from the minor items via another item and storing the
power in granite blocks. 6 weeks more work and the tomb can be sealed
against time, scrying, etc.
Hora tells us that the plan is that when the time is right and the tomb
is finally once again opened, then a ghostly army will arise, led by
Kesrin, and will defend the the elven nation. The number
of chambers
(5) is not a significant number.
In response to our questioning Celon tells us that Foras distrusts
elementals (and doesn't wish to use them in defence of the project),
that he shuns his father, and that he is not on speaking terms with
K'Shal, head of the Praying Mantis clan.
Continuing our tour, Celon takes us to the south town, which consists
of huge barracks and some administration buildings. The
house the 10,000 odd volunteers, mostly members of various doomsday
cults. Of these some 6,000 are going to be needed for the ritual.
We meet Master Sophias (from whom I gain with Drake's senses a feeling
that he is less than trustworthy). He is the estranged son and once
heir to the Mantis Clan's Master Casumine. Sophias has working for him
a dozen or so staff, along with two guards who have been assigned to
look after those volunteers who have changed their minds. We find out
later from Celon that Sophias is here against his father's wishes with
1/4 of the clan, and that this is part of the reason for the secrecy
around the location of the camp.
We head off to the site of the logging incident. 10 miles to the north
west, close to the site of the quarry where blocks are being mined for
the walls, and near the site of the mining camp in our own
Logs are felled and piled on the hillside, restrained by supports that
appear grown for the task. One of these broke and the resulting
avalanche killed a hunter and a woodsman. Kin speaks to a
who is unconcerned about logging as the "prince has protected her
tree". All courts have been consulted about the operation but it "is a
big problem" -- which we take to mean is a problem of the big people,
rather than the fey.
While Kin scouts we discuss Foras and the big project; who profits, who
loses and who would want to sabotage this? Does this Lord
become the demon of the same name? Do the many thousands of deaths
cause it? It is caused by an unintended corruption? We also
discuss some of our worries about time travel and the possible
consequences of our current actions.
Kin finds a tree that was climbed; a tree that has a view of the
"accident" site and a place that someone who caused the accident might
have watched from. Braegon has a long and dull conversation with the
tree. The climber wore tree that had been changed by elf and tools,
(camouflage? wooden armour?), spoke "the tongue" (speak to trees?),
the ground rumbled, and the climber left. Kin finds the climbers tracks
and backtracks them towards the valley. The climber had walked
backwards in their own tracks for some four miles, and was about
average height and weight for a male elf. Kin memorises the unique foot
pattern on the climber and from that point carefully observes the shoes
and walking pattern of all we meet.
Heading back to camp we ask Celon whether Astronia's time magics would
be able to show us the time of the accident, but it appears not.
Astronia can predict the far future with some 40% accuracy, Celon has
perhaps 70% accuracy for the near future. Astronia predicted
War of Tears some 1000 years ago.
Returning to our rooms Seren attempts to attune to the death sense she
felt upon entering the camp. This seems to be some attribute of Sable's
powers that Seren has access to by sharing her body. Meditation reveals
that within the magics protecting the camp, some five miles, all deaths
are drawn into the centre of the ritual, amplifying and strengthening
By now it is early evening and we decide to rest after the exertions of
the day.
Part 3: Date Unknown, Day 1,
Big boom awakens all.
Run out and see shimmering blue dome over room where Hora was working.
A guard lies on the ground with cracked ribs from when he was thrown
back by the dome appearing. One scribe crawls out of the workings;
badly injured. Master Hora and the rest of the scribes are
inside. Roke's wizard's eye reveals broken equipment -- the
magic sink that Hora was filling is shattered, and a dagger is
suspended, glowing in the air. Seren casts Darkness and then
uses her odd ability to slid through dark places to penetrate the
"extreme magic" field and get inside. Magical bubble is
drawing power from the dagger and stone. Hora badly injured.
Braegon tunnels to get stretcher bearers to the scribes (outside the
bubble but pinned in the excavated area).
Foras arrives, begins to drain bubble and send power into the big
ritual. Braegon drains some power and heals and invigorates Hora --
much faster than usual healing.
Seren/Sabine notes that the death magic is gaining power. Is Foras
doing this? The bubble pops and dissipates. Foras leaves.
Braegon checks Hora; the shaper is extremely healthy.
Healers deal with the injured.
The granite power sink is broken, the channelling dagger quiet. We
discuss the causes. The magic focusing device is damaged, the rock
shattered evenly outwards. Investigation shows that the dagger had many
layers of magic concealing the nature of the gem, and that the gem was
a major mana battery. The gem is shattered now so Mortimer pockets the
pieces for latter use. Master Hora, intent on draining the
small items into his sinks had inadvertently overloaded a block with
catastrophic results. The dagger was a booby trap, and it
appears to have come from the box we delivered.
Further discussions; are we really inquisitors? Are we just some
schmucks that Astronia has abducted and convinced are in the bodies of
inquisitors. When was the dagger switched? Or was
it switched? Did we bring that booby trap in with us? And do
our other selves know about it? We decide to
investigate. For the meantime the party line is: "How did
that get there? It must have been switched after we arrived".
We know that the ritual may take 9 more months, and that the builders
are trying to finish before troubles start at home and the Hero feels
obligated to head for the wars.
Dinner and back to bed.
Part 4: Date Unknown, Day 1,
Late at Night.
A quarter of eleven. Seren and Braegon are on watch when Seren's death
sense detects a "bad death", off to the east, in the direction of the
volunteer camp. The party is woken and we head towards the
source. Following Seren we enter the woods near the volunteer camp and
find a dead body.
Kin tracks: two people walked in carrying extra weight, two people
walked out, lighter. The tracks are both of elves, one about
6'0" and the other about 6'3". The took a circuitous route.
Examine the body: a male elf, stab wound to heart, significant hole in
head, most of brain missing. He has been tied with soft material at the
wrists, a rougher material at the ankles. He has nondescript but
reasonable quality clothes, and ink stains on his fingers.
We decide to leave the body in situ; Braegon uses earth construction to
create a cairn. We don't wish to be seen carrying a dead body
back into camp.
Backtracking to the camp, the two sets of prints pass through some
bluebells; a possible method of identifying the perpetrators.
Entering the volunteer camp we investigate for people recently returned
and get three possible, a volunteer couple, three persons unknown, and
two of the project's administrators: Gallalad and Taran.
Since the victim has inky fingers we suspect the paper shufflers and
enter the administration block where we speak with the night
clerk. Faint traces of bluebell is found on the floor and we
demand to be shown to the administrators' rooms. We wake
Gallalad and Taran, both of whom I feel are somewhat dishonest (an
ability that must be coming from my host body). We escort them into
separate meeting rooms to interview. Braegon and Roke search
their bedrooms, and examine their boots. Taran's boots are a
possible match for one set of tracks. Lots of paperwork in
their rooms, no direct evidence of murder.
Suddenly Taran dies. Confusion and shouting in
corridor. We quickly sleep and trollskin Gallalad, he has
broken a tooth and a spectacularly insidious alchemical poison is
liquefying his face and internal organs. We neutralise poison.
Seren views Taran's body; his shade appears and then
dissipates. He has died from the same poison that we narrowly
saved Gallalad from. Healers arrive and stop all functions on Gallalad
and then using invasive techniques (they slice out organs, heal the
organs and then replace them), they fix him up. We examine Taran's body
(carefully as it's really only skin holding him together now) and find
broken teeth and some interesting tattoos: a small rabbit, a dragon,
and a praying mantis. Interested in the tattoos we check
Gallalad's sleeping body and find another a dragon and three
of thorns. We decided to keep Gallalad's survival a secret
we know why he tried to kill himself, and who else may be involved.
Night clerk informs us that all assistant administrators are accounted
for, but further questioning reveals that one matches our victim in the
woods; Tinerel, a member of the volunteer selection
committee. Knocking on his door gets a reply of "Go away, I'm
very tired" but it is a bound speech.
Now about 1:30 in the morning, Roke opens Tinerel's door. The
room has a magical silence in effect inside, and is in considerable
disarray, appearing to have been searched and fought in.
Braegon and Kin return to the cairn and recover the body. They also
find the site of a small fire, and some ash of Elven origin, that has
been effected by "soul magic" and is not ressurectable. They
return to the volunteer camp with the body.
In the meantime we search and ask questions to try and find reasons for
the killing in the forest and the suicide of Taran. Divination of
Gallalad reveals many domestic magics. Pent talks to apprentices, but
nothing conclusive arises.
On his return Braegon speaks to the building/tree. It appears
quite mad. [moan] [cackle] "they broke it they did, they
smashed it" [giggle] "little rabbits they were... I mourn the dead
trees" [giggle] [gibber] etc..
Examine the five rooms in the corridor. Their occupants (or former
occupants) are:
Fithrand |
Taran |
Gallalad |
Tinerel |
Celandel |
We speak with Celandel. He appears shifty (Drake sense
again?). This was a rest day for him, he works in
logistics. He last saw Taran and Gallalad after dark
Tinerel was
with them, apparently drunk and being assisted; it wasn't unusual to
see the three of them together.
Taran and Gallalad worked as a team on food and logistics. Reported to
Isindeer, the head quartermaster, who in turn works for Gallon, the
chief administrator.
Celandel claims that he has not been approached by anyone wishing to
derail the project. He joined because of a strong friendship with
Sophias, and is also Mantis clan. Sophias is the estranged heir of the
Mantis clan.
Mortimer begins an ask dead ritual on Taran. Discovers that:
- He was involved in some act
to to drain magic and/or collapse the
project tunnel in three days.
- He and Gallalad had provided
some equipment, that had been
concealed amongst the supplies.
- He didn't know exactly how
the equipment was to be used.
- They were working with other
forces in camp opposed to the
- He didn't know any other the
others involved.
- Their part in this action
was complete.
- Dragon tattoos are a
recognition symbol.
Seren and Kin interview Sophias. His room is neat and tidy
nice furnishings and many books and scrolls. They discuss the murder
and the suicides. They find out some information:
- Security is handled by
guards overseen by Loren, one of the
Hero's men.
- Poison detection in the
volunteer camp is arranged by the senior
- Taran, Gallalad, and Tinerel
are all seniors.
- Sophias knows little of what
the three would do day to day; that
is Gallon's department.
Moving on to interviewing Gallon:
- He is shaken by the recent
- Taran and Gallalad worked on
rationing food.
- There are sufficient
supplies to cover delays to the project.
- They worked with the
Quartermaster and Cooks and counter food.
- Tinerel worked on morale,
ensuring that troublemakers when to the
ritual first, boosting morale in remaining huts.
- The three were companionable.
- Gallon has no knowledge of
suicide teeth (these were no issued as
part of the project).
- Has worked with Tinerel and
Gallalad for years.
- Taran was newer and hired as
he was known to Gallalad.
- All involved are from allied
or previously allied clans.
- Checks are made on the store
(looking for tampering).
- The drinking water comes
directly from the stream.
Moving on to interviewing Isindeer:
- Apparently asleep.
- Seren pokes him awake.
- He is shocked to see
- Drinking and cooking water
is passed through ash poison detection
equipment and goblets, then into cooking cauldrons.
- He gets up and checks on
procedures; is nervous about the idea of
bodies in the water supply.
We take Tinerel's corpse and Gallalad's sleeping form to the
palace. Sabine checks her tattoos -- no dragons. Unsure of how
hide Gallalad (and desperately tired)
Mortimer curses Gallalad into a pillow and sleeps on him, having odd
nightmares as a result. The next day, leering of spending
nightmare filled night sleeping on him Mortimer transforms Gallalad
into a spade.
Part 5: Date Unknown, Day 2,
Late Breakfast.
Much worrying and paranoid discussion and then off to see Astronia.
- Room decorated with many
- He thinks the booby trapped
item that injured Hora may have come
in to the camp inside the chest.
- Foras opened the chest (it
was keyed to his ITN) and then passed
the chest onto Hora.
- Kohath would have enough
information to deduce the use of the
- Astronia believes that Foras
trusts Kohath.
- Foras could complete
the ritual much faster but this would require chaotic energies and could
cause Foras to "fall
into darkness".
- Is this the plan of the
saboteurs? To force Foras to rush the
ritual and fall?
- Astronia has been drained by
dragging us through time.
- Will try to time-scry the
logging incident and see the saboteur.
- After his short association
with us Astronia can how speak common.
Head off to speak with the Hero:
- Hero's quarters smell and
look like an Alehouse -- stale ale,
vomit, trampled grass, and sacked out elves.
- Meet Hero's companions:
Loren, the squire; and Stahl, the
- All are big guys, extremely
heavily built for elves. Two are
merely huge, one enormous, with big sword, shield, mithril armour.
- Braegon has friendly
arm-wrestle with Hero and loses. Hero's
strength 40+?
- Kesrin the Hero not too
bright, but very committed to the cause.
- Loren
- oversees 40 guards
- day-to-day security left
to Madren (head guard).
- claims Hero used to be
great wit (one too many blows to the
- says Hero's strength of
will may fail
- after Hero departs Loren
plans to become hero for hire.
- Stahl
- not so bright
- otherwise same sort of
answers as Loren.
Back to our rooms. Considerable discussion regarding the ritual, time
travel, and the nature and origin of demons. Braegon heads of
earthwalk around, under the camp and examining around the tunnel area.

Braegon returns having found an empty space -- appearing to him during
earthwalk as a dark area into which he cannot see. The area
some 55 feet below the chief Architect's rooms and some 20 feet away
from the bound tunnel. Scrying
reveals a roughly spherical cyst filled with glowing material, a golden
ring, a
number of golden wires and some rubies.
Astronia advises us to contact Hora who arrives and views the device
via scrying. Hora is in excellent health, though a little paranoid,
believing that we attempted to
kill him with the booby trapped dagger. He is much more worried however
the device, and scuttles off quickly to study it at a distance. The
party discusses Gallalad
the pillow and the possible effects of the device.
We return to the forest -- to the site of the first body -- to seek
more clues, and are jumped by a half dozen elven assassins with
camouflage suits (including trousers that absorb bodily wastes) and
flaming daggers. There is a brief scuffle, and perhaps
our powers are unexpected (they were expecting the powers of a Star of
Kohath, not a Guild party), two of the assassins die and the other four
teleport away. Braegon removes magical teeth from the two
and Kin backtracks until she finds evidence of the group teleporting in
-- and waiting in the trees for some time.
We head back to camp with assassin's bodies. Examine their
gear. We insert a piece of the shattered gem (from
booby trap dagger into the assassin (as a locate/tracking device), and
then Braegon's resurrects him. He is plain and easily
forgettable. He attempts to use his false teeth, but these
been removed, so he just glares at us. As part of our plan we leave the
room, and then Seren returns, slices his bonds and tells him to get
away. He "explodes" as part of the teleport, damaging the
and Seren. Locates track him heading to the caves at the
end of the Nixie lake. We follow, skirting around the side of
lake -- the locate has him in the caves a few feet above the waterline.
Suddenly the locate jumps 20 miles south, near to the quarry where the
rock for the project is mined. We follow and prepare to
him. There is a sudden boom, trees fall and he jumps away to
north and west of the lake, and then to the east of the lake.
Although we still have him (or more correctly the gem fragment on
locate) we decide to feign losing him and return to camp.
Kin speaks briefly to the Quartermaster who confirms that bodies
upstream could lead to infection in the camp; the poison detection may
not sense this.
We return to the workshop of Master Hora who has been studying the
suspicious underground remotely. He feels that the
of the device is to absorb and concentrate
mana and then release it explosively to damage rock and even break
bound earth. There is a discussion of possible components:
Sphinx or more likely Manticore blood for
its highly corrosive properties; strange metal; warpstone; and that
rubies could be protecting against corrosion. We discuss plans for
the bomb and decide that it best be done quickly.
Part 6: Date Unknown, Day 2,
The plan is to tunnel below the device and then tunnel the area of the
device causing to fall deeper into the earth and detonate in a cavern,
lessening the pressure effects of the explosion and for the
over compression to escape along tubes. Braegon carves underground
tunnels leading from near the device to the south-west edge of the
camp. Foras is requested via Astronia to gather all of the
project team at the volunteers' camp for a morale raising speech.
Once the area is clear, and with Astronia standing by to roll time back
a minute of so (in the case of disaster) and scrying through a device
belong to Hora. Braegon tunnels the device and we flee.
There is a great rumbling beneath the camp and a moment later a gout of
flame flares from the vent tunnel. The flare rises hundreds
feet into the air and burns for over a minute. The rumbles continue for
several more. Finally all goes still. The area around the
glows for half an hour. Hora's monocle of scrying is damaged and there
is now a major cavern in the earth beneath the camp.
Investigation of the vent area shows an area around the tunnel exit has
been poisoned with strange metal. The area is some 70 feet
and covers 500 feet to the north of the tunnel, and over a mile
downwind to the south,.
We discuss possible saboteur reactions to discovering their plan going
awry, and then leave assassin's teeth, clothes, rings, etc with Hora
for analysis, and question Astronia further:
- Mercenary leader of clerks
hired to do this to dishonour Foras.
- something over a woman.
- [[Martin: what does this
mean? Can't remember. Merc
- Foras as wife from Jade
Tiger clan.
- some issue with her
- wife named Jehladdin
- died in childbirth some
2,000 years ago
- trouble with brother;
believed Foras couldn't protect wife?
- Given our suspicions around
Foras and the similarly named demon
in our times Kin asks about other names often associated with the
village and area of D'Arbres:
- Astronia claims Ipos and
Zephar are common enough names.
- does not know the name
- none relate to
relevant persons.
We perform an ask dead on the body of the remaining assassin:
- Mercenary; doesn't know
- Group contains 20.
Assassins, rangers, handful of mages.
- Camp was based in caves at
northern end of lake.
- They were specifically
ordered to attack us (the Inquisitors) in
that clearing.
- The group is on standby
awaiting orders.
- Signs in the old camp should
point to the new camp.
Having had a very full day, and insufficient sleep, we decide to call
it a night. Watches are set and the night passes uneventfully.
Part 7: Date Unknown, Day 3,
Meet with Astronia. He has arranged for us to meet with the Fey at
midnight tonight -- an appointment that in the end we fail to keep.
Madren have taken the guards and gone north to
"deal with an issue". We dislike the camp being so undefended
decide to investigate.
Wake two remaining guards. All other guards have gone to the "trap
line" as "some kind of mage" has been caught and set off the alarms. A
locate shows Madren and guards some 20 miles to the north. Loren and
Stahl have gone to investigate.
Boom. Master Hora blows up his workshop (apparently a not uncommon
occurrence). He is unharmed. It appears that he has
discovered that the active ingredient in the poison teeth is "Naga
blood, not Manticore".
We fly north, first heading for the caves by the lake. We
discover a latrine, some ashes in a grate, signs of long term
habitation, and then the tracker gem fragment in some blood by a
bunk. Things have been dug up recently and the area scuffed
tracks concealed.
We fly on to Madren's position. Madren is an odd chap, only 5'2"
(dwarven blood?). Whatever was in the trap escaped, but
was injured, and not something previously detected. Our
tagged-and-released assassin is within 5 miles. We inform
and he and the guards head back to camp at speed.
We continue to track the escapee from the trap line, and reach the edge
of the area negotiated with the Fey. Kin tracks for half an
more and we find an unconscious body: an elf, dressed in brown,
a staff, and with a damaged foot. The staff is very powerful
magic and we wonder if this could possible be Zephar, who is known to
walk with a limp. Pent hibernates him and we try to fly him
to camp. At 5 miles he is ripped from Braegon's grasp; he
penetrate the magical barrier surrounding the project area.
Mortimer and Roke head to camp and ask Foras what he wished done. Foras
is happy the barrier held, but very unhappy with Roke when it is
suggested that Foras might like to deal with the interloper. Foras
glares, Mortimer sooths. Foras asks us to get rid of him and we head
back to the party.
Return to find party bickering. Pent tries to drown himself/herself.
Braegon and Pent appear affected by lust magics. Pent's host body
(K'lyn) appears to have also suffered damage to her reproductive system
(made infertile).Pent hides in an igloo. Stranger has bogged off.
Mission successful after a fashion. Odd effects
tend to
confirm Zephar identity -- that demon creates feelings of lust and
makes women infertile. Pent and Roke head into the forest.
Pent/K'lyn rather aggressively snogs Roke/Atuni. Roke sleeps
Pent. Braegon recovers (J'anthro appears to be dealing with the effect
and is apparently not unhappy with being possessed, so Braegon reports).
Part 8: Date Unknown, Day 3,
We head off to see the dragon, and the people doing the other part of
the big ritual.
A hill is being carved away to leave a big rock -- the sentinel stone
of our time. There is a sleeping dragon, a number of mages
ritual things, and some workers carving.
One of the mages approached us. His name is Tarragon and he talks to us
for a few minutes (asking what we are up to, etc) before the lead mage
Danras starts berating and kicking him for slacking off on his
duties. Danras tells us that they are only a few
days from
completion, but that the main rituals will be finished
The stone being carved, the "keystone", lies at an intersection of ley
lines and will anchor the whole ritual in some fashion. Danras grows us
a tent to stay the night.
Pent wakes. K'lyn has somehow absorbed the lust and sleep
magics. K'lyn casts refrigeration through Pent, and then Pent
uses K'lyn's powers to create water and turn it into wine.
Party discusses and bickers. What is the nature of time? What
our employer up to? Will death really return us to our time? What of
our hosts?
Mortimer decides to chat with Drake and wanders inside his own mind to
find Drake comfortably reading in a library that represents Mortimer's
memories and knowledge. We have a most pleasant chat and Mortimer
offers him the run of the place; particularly recommending the sections
on demonology and the parts of ancient elven history that lie in
Drake's future.
Final phase of ritual begins. Suddenly Tarragon draws a dagger and
throws it at Danras. Seren yells a warning, and the dragon opens a
single eye and fries both the dagger and most of Tarragon
with a
leisurely breath. Danras thinks the ritual is still alright
while they finish up we examine what little is left of
His head has teleport teeth (rather than the poisoned variety), that
have been there some six months.
After the ritual finishes Danras tells us that Tarragon had been
working badly for the last few weeks and Danras had begun to suspect
him of trying to sabotage the ritual.
Party talks to their host selves. Mortimer suggests that Seren talk to
her "inner torturer". Sabine is most unhappy and sulky. I apologise.
Sabine whines some more and Seren mentally kicks her.
Roke contacts Atuni and becomes wreathed in flames. He finally manages
to recover, and is lead by Mortimer into claiming: "I'm not Atuni".
{Your scribe apologies to those readers who have absolutely no idea why
this is amusing}.
Kin attempts to contact T'manth, but she is shy and hides. Kin's
tracking improves however. Mortimer talks with Drake some
Braegon talks with Roche and rather lazy dragon (his lassitude caused
perhaps by the ritual). Roche knows that we are not what we appear to
be, and will "remember us" in our time should we meet him
Braegon tells Roche that we believe that Foras will fall into darkness;
Roche is saddened. Roche claims that he is acting for the
and that the project is much "bigger than Astronia". Braegon
expresses concerns about the the volunteers, but Roche claims that
their souls will be freed. Roche then requires of us a geas
before imparting some more information. The geas will prevent
from repeating what he is about to reveal to any of the elves in this
We agree to the geas and then Roche explains: "this has nothing to do
with elves; this is my plan". It was Roche who sent Astronia
visions that lead to the project -- the elves would not follow a
dragon's plan. Roche plans to teach the Hero during their
slumber, and bring forth in our time an army to fight and enemy of
darkness and death. {The dark circle?}
Finally Roche suggests that, given the number of odd items the
saboteurs have, that there must be a Shaper in camp intent on
disrupting the project.
Sabine speaks with dead Tarragon, and then Mortimer does a speak with
dead ritual. Together the information revealed is:
- Tarragon worked for one of
the Master Builders.
- we get a partial
- He panicked when we came to
their camp.
- tried to complete his
- kill Danras,
- Tarragon disliked Foras for
personal reasons.
- He knew Gallalad.
- Got his teleport teeth from
the Builder.
- Knows of three threats to
the project:
- explosive device (that we
dealt with);
- poisoning of the
- an army from the south.
We sleep the night at the ritual site and plan to head back to the main
camp first thing in the morning.
Part 9: Date Unknown, Day 4,
We head back to camp. The Architect and Master Builders are
already underground, and will be free at noon. We decide to be subtle
and not arouse suspicions by requesting their presence
Three of the eight Master Builders fit our rough description from
Tarragon so we arrange for these three to come to the Architect's rooms
at noon.
Head off to the kitchens in the volunteer camp. Examine the plumbing --
water passes under the kitchen building and is raised in ash buckets
before going into the cooking cauldrons. Pent talks to K'lyn regarding
water purification. Roke talks to inner pyromaniac, who
fire. It appears that Atuni dislikes Roke and the rest of us.
We have an early lunch and go see Master Hora to ask if he can detect
the concentrations of magic in the camp. He does a very cool
trick with a tray of metallic sand, which creates something life a
relief map of the camp; peaks indicating magical concentration. Aside
from his workshop and the palace a single, very noticeable peak stands
out in the area of the Builder's and Mage's quarters.
Just before noon we head to the Architect's rooms. Two of our three
suspects turn up. One is slept easily, the other after a
One suspect missing: Umerin.
We head to Umerin's quarters. Braegon smacks the door and it explodes.
After initial scrying we examine the room. It is obviously a
mage's workshop. We find a cauldron, identical to those used in the
kitchens that has poison magics on it, several other odd items, and
eight small mannequins attached to a wall. Two of the eight
blackened, and one is odd. The puppets seem to be linked
life-force / communication devices. We guess the two black ones were
connected to Taran and Tarragon; the odd one to Gallalad, who is still
a spade. We DA and otherwise examine the mannequins and get
them a sense of the aura they connect to (sufficient so that a DA of
that person could prove the connection) and a distance and direction:
- 200 yards, westerly (within
the camp!)
- 2 miles south
- 3 miles north
- 3 miles north
- 2 miles east (in or near the
volunteer camp)
The dolls are connected by wires into the wall. There is also a device
attached to another wall that is similar to the big bomb we dealt with
earlier, and the walls of the room are filled with some suspicious
looking liquid. We decide to get the dolls off the wall as they can be
used to find the rest of the saboteurs, but to do it very, very
With Astronia on standby for time reversal magics Braegon uses his
powers to command the the tree that is the building to flatten the wall
behind the dolls (a bit at a time) until they can be safely
removed. It's all rather tense for a while but Braegon
manages to
remove the dolls.
Seren fetches Hora to have a look at the probable bomb. Hora
very nervous and unhappy about things that go boom. He
charges up
a powerful magical shield and returns with Seren to the Builder's
quarters. Hora hooks up the bomb to some other devices and
runs. A message is sent to Sophias to get 600 volunteers into
tunnel immediately.
In the meantime the party, using doll #1, have followed the diminishing
distance between doll and elf to the Seer's quarters where they burst
in on, and sleep [???] . They remove his Cockatrice blood poison teeth,
and Kin is happy to find the elf whose footprints match those at the
dead fall incident. The sleeping Seer is taken to the Hero's
quarter where we ask Loren to put him on ice.
30 minutes have now passed since Hora hooked up the devices and
suddenly a great red beam leaps from Umerin's room to Hora's workshop
and thence down the tunnel. 600 volunteers are immediately killed, the
tunnel walls seal up. Atuni tells Roke that it was chaos magics that
have so rapidly advanced the ritual.
The distance and direction on doll #2 changing around to the east and
we head off to the volunteer camp and meet Madren and a group of guards
coming back from patrol. We engage Madren in a discussion about Zephar
while DAing the group to find the aura that matches the doll.
It's Madren! Two sleeps, a backfired hibernate, and a sap
and Madren is render unconscious. The guards are all a bit
by this turn of events but are not going to argue with
Inquisitors. Madren has teleport teeth, which we remove. We
Madren to the Hero's quarters where we have to convince Loren that
Madren needs to be keep under guard.
We head back to the volunteer camp for suspect #5
and the doll leads us
back to the Administrator's rooms. Checking with the desk clerk,
Celandel and Gallon have disappeared. The doll leads us to Fithrand's
room. We open the door and sleep him. He falls over and there
a silver swirl and then a tremendous screaming noise deafens several of
the party. Mortimer gives Drake control of his body back and
Drake heals the deafness. We take Fithrand's sleeping form to Loren.
We head north following the last two dolls and spot Gallon and another
elf involved in a ritual. Fire spells rebound, Pent's bolt shatters,
but Kin's arrows go through (the two are in some form of shielded
area). Braegon tunnels and they fall. Gallon
scarpers via
teleport, and the other elf armours up. A general melee ensues. We
throw enough magic at him to slag a small town, and he eventually
explodes. Sabine's death reading on him is that he was
Umerin, a
mercenary Shaper who was working for Celandel.
Celandel is the one behind the sabotage plans?
We locate Celandel to the south 30-35 miles and Gallon to the north 6
miles. We head north, sleep Gallon, and return to camp.
Part 10: Date Unknown, Day 4,
Late Afternoon.
We present our information and findings to Astronia. He uses various
scrying rituals for the next four hours to check. Eventually
agrees that all of the saboteurs save Celandel have been captured or
killed, and that we have fulfilled our mission. He also
that there is an army to the south; where Celandel is headed.
The Hero is to be entombed tonight. The final rituals will be finished
within a week. The several thousand remaining volunteers will
turned into an army to oppose the approaching enemies.
Based on information that Drake has gleaned from Mortimer's mind, and
confirmed from other party minds, the Inquisitors have been talking
amongst themselves about their future. Drake, Sabine,
T'manth have all decided to be entombed with the Hero and awaken with
him in our time. Atuni and K'lyn are staying and Roke and Pent will be
expelled home by Astronia after the rest are sent to sleep.
Later than night the Hero is laid on his bier in the tomb and sent to
sleep, as are the four Inquisitors who are staying. Those of
in those four bodies are expelled.
Part 11: Duesday 1 Meadow 805
The gold doors continue to open (it appears that no time has passed
from when we first left), and in our minds we hear Roche say "Welcome
back". The doors finish opening and there is a panel of
-- obviously meant for us -- to tell us what happened:
- Construction was completed
three weeks after we left.
- The army invaded and was
- Celandel was captured.
- we discover that this
capture was by Roke / Atuni who chose to
stay on for a while longer.
- Celandel was tortured to
death many times.
- he was an old enemy of
- Foras has fallen into
- has sworn that no-one will
ever interfere with his business
Some blocks fall away and there are six small golden hourglasses, one
for each of us.
We head into the next chamber which is empty and then through ornate
doors to the inner chamber where six figures await us: Drake, Sabine,
J'anthro, T'manth, Kesrin the Hero, and an avatar of the demon Foras!
Foras tells us that the army of elves is arising, the spirits of the
volunteers, reborn in bodies of living stone. The avatar wishes us well
and departs. We discuss things with the Inquisitors and
and rest up. Pent claims we are "time lagged".
As we leave the bound earth of the tunnel collapses into dust. The dust
swirls and forms shapes in the air like internal organs. These in turn
are sheathed in flesh and bones, and skin of stone dust and finally
armour and weapons of stone. The stone army is restored.
Kesrin plans to take the stone army to Alfheim. The Inquisitors discuss
their course of action and plan to accompany Kesrin for the moment. We
fly to Bergelfen where Serendipity arranges passage for 4000 stone
elves through to Alfheim, and we then fly on to Alfheim where we
arrange introductions for the Hero, Inquisitors, and the
The army passes out of the D'Arbres area on its march to Alfheim and we
return to complete our mission and tidy up a loose end.
It appears that when Roke,
still inhabiting Atuni's body, stayed
behind to capture Celandel, he had to make arrangements with the Fey
for passage through their area. They required the nominal
of a bottle of wine each decade, which considering the time now past
had run up a debt of over 3000 bottles, or some 500 gallons.
wishing to default on the payment we headed off to the vineyards of
western Foxcourt, (near the border with Borderlay) and arranged a
couple of carts of wine barrels which we drove back to Newcourt and
then to D'Arbres.
In D'Arbres we let Cohart the Reeve know that the ghost is
unlikely to reappear and contacted the Fey. The Fey were
miffed that we had missed our appointment some 30 millennia ago, but
were mollified by the wine, though they claimed it was
The fairies can now speak of the tomb -- that ancient compulsion or
gears lifted, but the protect around D'Arbres against summoning appears
to hold.
Our mission complete we headed back to the Guild, some two weeks into
the quarter and received our payment of 500sp.
Historical research on Foras and Astronia has revealed that both used
serious chaos magics during the time of the War of Tears, and that both
"fell into darkness". Foras we know of, but it appears that
Astronia too became one of the demons, taking his new name from the
title of his office: Seir, the Willing Prince.
1. The Inquisitors
J’athro “The Gibbet” L’Roi
6’7” and 144lbs.
A tall male elf with faintly weathered features and short steel-grey hair wearing plate mail the colour of wet slate.
K’lyn von Todd
6’3” and 108lbs.
A tall female elf with shoulder length brown hair and aquiline
features. She is clad in partial plate which has a subtle
greenish iridescence in the metal. Her shield bears the arms of
the High Elven Royal guard and she has rapier with an elaborate basket
hilt at her hip. One her shield the symbols for Warrior/Protector and
Water have marked on her shield in layer fine, wet sand
A’tuni D’Noso
6’5 and 140lbs.
A handsome and athletic male elf with shock of black hair, attired in
sleek reddish scale amour. He wields a broadsword with a large garnet
set in the pommel and a shield with a copper coloured face on which the
old symbols for Hunter/Guide and Fire are daubed in ochre.
Sabine “Sabi” Sciuto
5’7” and 85lbs.
A young, short, slightly built, and somewhat pale Elven woman dressed
in impractical-looking confusion of styles and garments. Rugged
boots peer from beneath a tattered ball-gown and black lace and studded
leather compete with fetishes of knotted hair and bones and at least
one shrunken head. The old runes for Inqisitor/Seeker and Dark
have draw on her cheeks in charcoal.
T’manth Magi
6’4” and 165lbs.
A young Elven female with a round, somewhat innocent face and a
cow-lick, dressed in forest greens and greys. She has a
stout-looking longbow and paired Shortsword and dagger at his
side. On her chest the symbols for Guide/Hunter and Air have been
carefully outlined and at her cuffs and throat the glint of a fine mail
like a snake’s scales can be seen.
Illya Drake
6’ and 120lbs.
An almost stooped and elderly Elven male with slightly thinning blond
hair and care worn features. He is a little shorter than average, and
wearing a loose white robe over his travelling gear. He carries a
non-descript staff, carved from a dark, close-grained wood and shod
with silver at both ends. A fine white paste (crushed shell) has been
used to paint the symbols of Inquisitor/Seeker and Light on either side
of his face.
2. The Camp

3. Miscellaneous
A Nightmare
Mortimer's nightmare from sleeping on the Gallalad pillow:
You felt as thought you were running, along a cobbled path, occasionally
slipping on wet leaves as Storm clouds covered the sky above you, you
could feel the moisture on your face. You realise you are naked and
holding a large kitchen knife. You are chasing a giant, he runs and you
chase past a repeating background of a hangmans tree, the noose empty
and swinging wildly in the strong breeze. You run faster and the noose
tree begins to appear more rapidly like a cheaply made cartoon. Soon it
becomes a blur and you lose sight of the Giant ahead, you stop and
consult a map and see a large circle drawn upon it. The realisation
comes upon you that the Giant is behind you and you feel the blade
severing your spine. You look down and feel the noose around your neck
and ......the dream fades away.
When you awake the dream is vivid and you realise that the dream was not
yours but that of your pillow.....