SubjectRe: [dq-announce] Agenda - May 2001
DateWed, 2 May 2001 10:01:42 +1200
If we are all clear on what the stun recovery situation is, it needs to be
written up and put in the rules.

I sent a write-up to dq-announce on the 26th March. See the cover document
in that e-mail for the quote from minutes and overall approach.


BTW, a minor point, the follow-up for DQ-announce is set to DQ-discussion.
Is this deliberate?

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Smith <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, 1 May 2001 15:02
Subject: [dq-announce] Agenda - May 2001

>Below is the brought forward agenda for the Gods meeting.
>May 2001
>Place:  ???
>Time:   Noon
>Date:   Sunday 6th May 2001
>Chair:  Clare West, deputy Errol
>#Rules stuff#
>1) Death Aspect
>2) Illusionary Fog
>3) Work in progress updates
>          Ranger
>          Mind
>          Namer
>          Astrologer
>          Rune
>4) Cold Iron and Casting
>Amend the Cold Iron rules so that Cold Iron blocks casting as well as
>preparing (section 7.6 page 26).
>5) Fire College Speak to Fire Creatures
>Add the duration of 20 mins + 10/rank
>6) Add effects of Elemental Aspects (page 11) to the Cast Check Modifiers
>(section 7.4 page 26). Also change wording of 7.4 to make it more explicit
>that it's only dealing with spells, not rituals or talents (see
>7) Optional Initiative Variants.
>#Adventure stuff#
>#Stuff that comes up#
>#Stuff off time#
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SubjectRe: [dq] Shrinking player pool
FromMichael Woodhams
DateWed, 02 May 2001 16:50:14 +1200

Ian writes:

> well written, concur with all points
> are solutions needed?

I suggest:
Advertise (fliers on notice boards) at university.
Provide transport to guild meeting (and back) from university for poor

If we can get a volunteer, it would be good to be able to say on the
fliers 'go and see (person at university) for more details if you are
This would be good because it is a lower initial investment to a student
to go and talk to someone than to commit a Sunday afternoon to an event
with a bunch of strangers. It would also give us a better idea of how
many new people to expect - it would be embarrassing to have 50 turn up

(Clare and Michael P both work at university, and perhaps other people
too. Either of you feel like volunteering to be besieged by student
would-be DQers?)


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SubjectRe: [dq] Shrinking player pool
From"Mandos Mitchinson"
DateWed, 2 May 2001 17:13:13 +1200
> I suggest:
> Advertise (fliers on notice boards) at university.
> Provide transport to guild meeting (and back) from university for poor
> students.
> If we can get a volunteer, it would be good to be able to say on the
> fliers 'go and see (person at university) for more details if you are
> interested.'
> This would be good because it is a lower initial investment to a student
> to go and talk to someone than to commit a Sunday afternoon to an event
> with a bunch of strangers. It would also give us a better idea of how
> many new people to expect - it would be embarrassing to have 50 turn up
> unexpectedly.
> (Clare and Michael P both work at university, and perhaps other people
> too. Either of you feel like volunteering to be besieged by student
> would-be DQers?)

I am happy to deal with people seeking info by Email, can be used for it.


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