SubjectRe: [dq-pub] [dq-pub]
From"Andrew Withy (DSL AK)"
DateSun, 20 May 2001 16:31:08 +1200
Where is Freetown, and how much land does this De Montfort chap own there?
What about the loss of custom to local businesses? The Duke's not going to
like this when he finds out.

Proprietor of the Tar & Feathers,
Official Procurer to Castle Chiltern
-----Original Message-----

An open letter within the guild.

I would like to propose the construction of an
auxillary branch of the adventurers guild in FreeTown.

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SubjectRe: [dq-pub] [dq-pub]
FromNoel Livingston
DateSun, 20 May 2001 00:01:38 -0700 (PDT)

Freetaun City, sorry my map is a bit smudged lies
between Brandenburg and Aladar on the coast. It is
very centrally located in the kingdom.

I own no land there, however the suggested auxillary
guild quarters there would only require a mid sized
townhouse as the main buracracy of the guild would
stay in seagate, this would also be very inexpensive
to setup and leaverage gained could well have it pay
for itself.

Business lost by Seagate will be business gained by
Freetaun, businesses can move as like adventurers they
are run by freemen.

As for the Beloved Duke Leto, "the just", well since
we are freemen we can move and live wherever we wish
and he has no say in the matter, we afterall arn't his

Actually since the quite brilliant decision to waste
all the seed grain in plantings in Barastor, which
deepened the food crisis, the duke will have been
making unheard of profits from the crops on his lands
and also have been able to pauperise many a freeman (
including refugees ) and make them bondsmen. Any
claims of poverty you hear from that quarter are quite

Arnaud De Montfort.

cheers noel

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SubjectRe: [dq-pub] [dq-pub]
Fromscott whitaker
DateSun, 20 May 2001 22:57:02 +1200
Are you serious??

You want to set up a branch of the guild in an area that is
swarming with church knights who have an attitude that the only
good magic is no magic.

If we set up an auxiliary guild anywhere it should be out of the
clutches of the United church and their narrow view of everything.

Rothgar Sildaan

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