Subject[dq-pub] More Pub Talk
FromNoel Livingston
DateFri, 25 May 2001 23:44:24 -0700 (PDT)
Thank you for your input, gentlemen and lady

I am delighted to hear that the church gets on so well
with witches, I was under the impression they had an
incendiary attitude towards them. Rothgar I must say
that I actually believe the Bishop of Bordeaux and the
Church knights are fighting the Dark Circle as its
evil and I appreciate this, I have nothing against the
church and applaud their current efforts. I still
think a backup is a good idea though as we may not win
this war and even a cheap and nasty backup is better
than none.

Lady Amelia,
As for where to grow grain, there is a lot of land out
west of Gugniri's hope which myself and party
adventured in last session, Including a five mile wide
river plain of grassland, A ruined monastery? we
explored had wild grains growing about it. I have a
little knowledge of such things ( which admittedly can
be a dangerous thing ) , grapes being more my
specialty, but where wild grain will grow, normal
grain can probably also be grown. Although the land is
almost certain to be less fertile than Barastor not
being in a war zone is a bonus. 

I'm sure if forests need clearing a few fire mages
might be found for a moderate fee, who would be
willing to incinerate tracts of forest for crops to be
grown on. 

If the Duke cannot afford to feed the destitute in
Seagate this winter, I would like to propose a
pre-winter poll tax of say a mere twenty silvers from
all residents which would force the destitute out of
Seagate with their accompanying vermin and diseases
and into bondage for a couple of years. The two
hundred thousand pennies or so generated can then be
used to feed and relocate them for that time and bring
in new seed grain so crops and be sown in spring.

Arnaud De Montfort, Adventurer

cheers noel

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