Subject[dq] Mind Stuff
DateSun, 23 Sep 2001 11:10:56 +1200
Should undetectability work as it is now written?

As it stands a character has no chance of detecting an undetectable
opponent. Only if the opponent melee attacks or goes into close with them
will the spell disipate. Thus they are free to cast spells or use missiles
with impunity.

This is well and good for the PCs as they currently have the Evil mind mage
with the spell. But I pity the poor slobs who find this spell being used
against them.

I just forsee wailing and gnashing of teeth.

How does the Sense Danger Talent work? As far as I can see it is still as
ambiguous as ever. How does it work for characters without Spy/Thief/Ranger?


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