Prince Ed of Thebes found the last party so fiendishly cunning & devious (he means that as a
compliment) that he would like some friends to visit the Ellenic states.
The Mission: Someone [unknown] is going to do something [unknown] at the pan-Ellenic Games. Stop
them, preferably secretly; failing that, make sure Thebes is not blamed. There are hints that a
flying visit to Freetown in the Isles of Adventure may be necessary, or inadvisable -- he's not sure
which. Also he is committed to spending time doing various stuff (athletic &/or princely), so you
have to be able to do acts of bravery & goodness unsupervised.
Sorry that there's not much more to go on, but he's now down to the third rate Sibyls.
Participants: any group of non-monsters will do -- preferably mostly humans, perhaps with one or two
people [hobbits] or even, at a pinch, nymphs ... I mean elves.
Payment: Of course being a hero --or, in your case, companions-- is voluntary work. But if you do
the right thing you're bound to be rewarded by the gratitude of princes or republics concerned.
Then there's the stuff you confiscate
Night: to be decided (with *perhaps* a preference for Monday or Wednesday)
Level: demigod pleasing.
Location: probably the nearer side of Avondale.
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