Seagate Adventurers Guild
Minutes from the Guild Meeting
Winter '802 WK
Adventures Going Out
1) A dwarf representing Prince Theros from the Kingdom of Fontasia. They're
having a problem with the their princess' education and need 6 or 7 dwarves
to assist. The reward is a lump of gold, the size of the character's head
and some gems if they're discrete. There are another couple of princesses
that are missing that need to be returned. - Andrew, Mondays, Avondale,
2) Tom - running a bunny adventure transporting occupants of the Plane of
Dirt to Alusia - Thursdays.
3) Stephen Astrol - 6' tall slim human male. Here to hire astrologers and
philosophers. Eighteen months ago, the city of Avice in the Western Marshes
was trashed by orcs and trolls. They were ejected, however the quarrymen
are refusing to go down into the pit because they think it is 'haunted'.
Discrete investigation is required and it needs to be done before the head
of the church gets back. They also don't want anyone who had already been
there. Pay is 200sp/week/person. Sally - Low/medium, Wednesdays.
4) Michael Denear, Marshal of Cumberland, working for the Grand Emperor of
Cumberland. He requires a fifth group. The Emperor has a colleague who has
had his residence looted and wants his personal effects returned. The
attackers were ambushed by another group and one of the items can be
tracked. A deposit of two gold coins has been left and the payment is one
item from the horde. The item in question weighs 400 pounds. Phil -
Medium/high. Mondays, Waterview.
5) Guild Security - representing a tree. An entity off plane is wanting a
couple of branches recovered. In payment the tree can make minor items.
Fridays, Medium/high. Mangere Bridge.
6) Deacon Frost - From a small monastery of Urealites. One of their number
was canonised and they want his bones back. Other thieves are also
interested in the bones. Last seen, they were in the Dark Continent. There
is dispensation for 'generous' funds. The other group is from Masada. High,
1) Armaud - for teaching a party the correct way of adventuring
2) No vote
Winner - Armaud
1) Dirk and Garok. Some spiders had run off with the party employer so
these two volunteered to be thrown after them to get him.
2) Bainbridge - The party needed a lost prophesy, but the only entities
that had it were some repugnant undead who wanted several 'favours'. So
Bainbridge went and did those 'favours' to further the mission. Also took
on missile fire to protect the party.
3) Sarah - The party were trapped and Sarah agreed to take part in an
'arcane ritual' to save them.
4) Jade - rushed in and got hacked up by dwarves.
Winner - Bainbridge
1) Human - decided to be noble and share the suffering - without a hypnotism.
2) No vote
Winner - Human
Best Death
No nominations
Other Business
It was decided that the new version of Indetectability wasn't working so
the recommendation was made that we revert back to the old one.
Meeting Closed
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