you could treat team work as per "Mililtary Time Out" or some sort of "mind
speach" co-ordinated behaviours (even when unable to physically talk to each
just a thought.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mandos Mitchinson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, 26 February 2003 14:28
Subject: Re: [dq] Spy and Thief Playtest
> > >...teamwork stands
> > >out as one that does not really work well as a game skill and
> > may need to be
> > >thought out a little more or removed.
> > >
> > One simple way that Teamwork might be made to work in a party is by
> > allowing the "supporting" Thief to increase the primary Thief's BC. For
> > example, Primary wants to pick guarded merchant's pocket. Plan from PCs
> > to GM is simple as "I'll pick the pocket and he'll distract the guard"
> > -- supporting thief distracts guard and adds some bonus to the primary's
> > Pick Pockets BC -- or more likely negates the negative modifier that the
> > primary would get from the Merchant being guarded.
> >
> > Simple for the players and GM, gets both players involved, and offers
> > the option of bad things happening to the supporting thief too -- does
> > the guard realise he's being distracted? React badly to being bumped
> > into? etc.
> I will be re-writing thief over the coming days and I like this idea, it
> looks nice and simple.
> Mandos
> /s
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