Subject[dq] On the Insufficient Nastiness of Beings
FromJacqui Smith
DateSat, 15 Mar 2003 07:46:49 +1300
I've just been looking up demons to find one suitable as the local 
incarnation of Secotah the godthing of the Sahuagin...

The document Keith found has a "subjective nastiness rating" - and by all 
the powers these things are too damn nice! Way too many score like 1/10 and 
all three water-demons score around 5/10. Not nearly nasty enough for the 

So... I either pick one and make it a whole lot nastier. Or bring in Secotah.

My inclination is to the first option.

These are demons for frogs sake... they're meant to be nasty.


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SubjectRe: [dq] On the Insufficient Nastiness of Beings
DateFri, 14 Mar 2003 19:11:08 GMT
> I've just been looking up demons to find one suitable as the local 
> incarnation of Secotah the godthing of the Sahuagin...
> The document Keith found has a "subjective nastiness rating" - and by all 
> the powers these things are too damn nice! Way too many score like 1/10 and 
> all three water-demons score around 5/10. Not nearly nasty enough for the 
> Sahuagin.
> So... I either pick one and make it a whole lot nastier. Or bring in Secotah.
> My inclination is to the first option.
> These are demons for frogs sake... they're meant to be nasty.

It's like a scale of how many nukes countries have. Anyways Furcalor: Duke of 
the Waters was the demon Jon and I had assisting/as patron of the Sahuagin has 
6/10 on the Sien Fien/Dillinger nastiness scale (or Andrews completly arbitary 
rankings, take your pick). Also consider Murmur who is an all round total 
badass mofo with a SF/D of 3. And Sier, voted demon most likely to get your 
soul 3 years running has a SF/D of 0!

Anyways Kieth should talk to Jon and myself for what we did with the extras 
from Stingray. Well, me really. Jon's still playing Angel Dust of Camelot. 


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Subject[dq] Sahuagin on Alusia
FromKeith Smith
DateSat, 15 Mar 2003 09:30:55 +1300
>It's like a scale of how many nukes countries have. Anyways Furcalor: Duke of
>the Waters was the demon Jon and I had assisting/as patron of the Sahuagin 
>6/10 on the Sien Fien/Dillinger nastiness scale (or Andrews completly 
>rankings, take your pick). Also consider Murmur who is an all round total
>badass mofo with a SF/D of 3. And Sier, voted demon most likely to get your
>soul 3 years running has a SF/D of 0!
>Anyways Kieth should talk to Jon and myself for what we did with the extras
>from Stingray. Well, me really. Jon's still playing Angel Dust of Camelot.

Good idea William. I was hoping to catch you at the Guild meeting about 
that. Even though Jacqui is running this adventure, I still may be using 
sahuagin in later stories and it would be nice to have consistancy between 
what we do and what you do.

So any information that you have already worked out, such as combat stats, 
etc would be gratefully welcome thanks.


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SubjectRe: [dq] On the Insufficient Nastiness of Beings
FromJacqui Smith
DateSat, 15 Mar 2003 11:48:59 +1300
At 19:11 14/03/03 +0000, you wrote:
>Anyways Kieth should talk to Jon and myself for what we did with the extras
>from Stingray. Well, me really. Jon's still playing Angel Dust of Camelot.

It's me as needs the details... my adventure. I honestly didn't realise how 
much detail you'd done on them. There is no point in duplicating your work, 
and it would be nice to be consistent.

My choice for Sahuagin godthing would have been Vephar the Sea Duke, mainly 
because it's female, and Sahaugin priestthings are all female... but then I 
find that Secotah is actually male. Odd.

I have my suspicions that only female Sahuagin have enough MA to do magic. 
That might explain a thing or two.


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SubjectRe: [dq] On the Insufficient Nastiness of Beings
FromAndrew\ Withy\ \(DSL\ AK\)
DateSat, 15 Mar 2003 16:31:52 +1300
Nastiness is quite different from evil. Its an "ick" factor, or "would you
invite them over for dinner". Having dead sailors caught in ones teeth is
different from having eyes like ice riding a silver stallion with Gryphon

-----Original Message-----

The document Keith found has a "subjective nastiness rating" - and by all 
the powers these things are too damn nice! Way too many score like 1/10 and 
all three water-demons score around 5/10. Not nearly nasty enough for the 

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SubjectRe: [dq] On the Insufficient Nastiness of Beings
DateSat, 15 Mar 2003 03:51:29 GMT
> Nastiness is quite different from evil. Its an "ick" factor, or "would you
> invite them over for dinner". Having dead sailors caught in ones teeth is
> different from having eyes like ice riding a silver stallion with Gryphon
> wings.

You forgot to say 'woof'!
Join Seir! Gain Air-mage points!


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SubjectRe: [dq] On the Insufficient Nastiness of Beings
FromStephen Martin
DateSat, 15 Mar 2003 19:05:01 +1300
Male demon, female priests - makes perfect sense.  Probably picks them for
their agile tails and scale colours rather than competence.
Male priests aren't nearly as much fun on those cold winter nights.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jacqui Smith <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [dq] On the Insufficient Nastiness of Beings

> My choice for Sahuagin godthing would have been Vephar the Sea Duke,
> because it's female, and Sahaugin priestthings are all female... but then
> find that Secotah is actually male. Odd.
> Jacqui

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