Subject[dq] Changing College.
FromMandos Mitchinson
DateSun, 13 Jun 2004 14:30:05 +1200
I am probably blind, but I cannot locate any specific rules anywhere for
changing colleges. Do we have defined rules or is it 6mth and 6500ep which
is extropolated from a non-mage character gen?

I realise it isn't a hugely important rule and probably doesn't need a lot
of discussion but a rough guide would be cool.


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SubjectRe: [dq] Changing College.
FromClare Baldock
DateSun, 13 Jun 2004 15:59:16 +1200
On 13/06/2004, at 14:30, Mandos Mitchinson wrote:

> I am probably blind, but I cannot locate any specific rules anywhere 
> for
> changing colleges. Do we have defined rules or is it 6mth and 6500ep 
> which
> is extropolated from a non-mage character gen?
> I realise it isn't a hugely important rule and probably doesn't need a 
> lot
> of discussion but a rough guide would be cool.

As far as I know there is no defined rule, but on the few occasions i 
have seen it done 6 months and 6500EP was applied.

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