Not sure if you have picked these up, only finished them off this morning once the adventure was
Cheers, Stephen.
Barbarian Hordes Turn on Rashak!
This exciting news was received via the winds a week after the Summer Solstice.
Six tribes have new chiefs. All eight tribes sworn against Rashak and departing Dark Circle to the
East. Will stay with tribes until spring to co-ordinate the defence of the tribes and set plans to
reclaim the Sea of Grass. This is Mebh, Chief of the Travellers. And tell the...
General Kafnic of the Brastor regiment confirmed that he had sent 7 warriors to challenge for
leadership of the 8 Tribes at their annual gathering on the Summer Solstice.
The eight tribes meet every year at the lake of the sun, at the meeting the warriors of the tribe
meet in single combat to find the strongest of the tribe. The best challenger then meets the
champion of the tribe in single combat. If they defeat the champion then they may challenge the
Chief for control of the tribe.
The challengers fights are to first blood, but the fight with the champion is until one falls and
the fight with the chief would normally be to the death. It would take a great warrior to survive
and win these fights one after another.
Given Mebh's message, the General expressed pleasure at the success of his plan but tinged with
regret for the loss of the seventh warrior.
"They didn't have much backup and no healers of great reknown, it is likely that the warrior who
failed in his challenge is dead. Mebh succeeded, so it must be one of the others: Razor, Kern,
Eric, Aryan, Gok, or Grendel. My commiserations to your guild for the loss of one of their
warriors. Once we know who it is they will be honoured along with the many others we have lost in
this fight."
Destiny to Join the Fight!
While this has not been confirmed through official channels, reliable sources report that Destiny
is mustering troops to join the fight against the Dark Circle.
Volunteers are being called for throughout Destiny and its allies. Rumour has it that the force
will be led by a noble from an allied nation who already has experience fighting in the Dark
We caught up with one Destinian before he boarded his ship - "The local troops have been fighting
very hard and have made some progress, but enough is enough. It's time we sent in the some real
fighters to finish the job!"
A local knight and veteran of many battles against the dark forces was not so impressed. "It's
about time the pansies stopped talking and started fighting! I'll believe it when I see it."
Hopes that the Destinians would be here for the Autumn campaign seem to be in vain. Destinian
officials refuse to make a statement but they firmly deny that delays are caused by disagreements
over the name of the troop and the design of their uniform.
Jacqui Smith said:
> Okay folks, the Times is basically full as far as major articles are concenred.... what I need
> now is your quotes and a few juicy rumours. And suggestions for What's Hot, What's Not.
> Jacqui
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