Subject[dq-announce] Guild meeting minutes - Autumn 09
DateSun, 08 Mar 2009 15:47:15 +1300
Seagate Guild of Adventurers
Guild Meeting Minutes
Autumn 809 WK

1)	Adventures Going Out
a)	Ben – Captain Elrick of the Seagate Watch. Needs responsible parties
to join the recruiting program for the Watch. He is looking for rumours of
corruption and graft.
b)	Ian – Isil Eth looking for somebodies to do something. Confirmed as
Tuesdays – Low Medium. 
c)	Jacqui – running an overflow. Mondays.
There are three other adventures already full on the Wiki.

2)	Nominations
a)	Smartest
No nominations and no award

b)	Bravest
i)	Dirk – charged a large troll that had sharp disks revolving around it
and went into close. Managed to keep it occupied for two pulses.
ii) Sooty – Summoning a dragon
Winner – Dirk

c)	Stupidest
i)	Lizette – flying in a cavern that was mostly occupied with a
ii) Sooty – ordering Lizette to fly in a cavern that was mostly occupied
by a waterspout
iii) Dwork – Insulting the Demon of Fates
Winner – Dwork

d)	Best Death
i)	Dirk – blowing up a crystal vial, while he was inside it
ii) Hamish – running down a pitch dark corridor. First he hit the
frictionless floor which slid him into a petrification ward. The resulting
statue then slammed into a wall and shattered.
iii) Kilroy – The party were being discrete so they were all unscryable,
unlocatable, invisible etc. They were ambushed by an archer so Kilroy
changed into a bird and flew down a dark alley, slamming into the wall and
being knocked unconscious. The party went to find him, and Seren found the
unconscious, invisible bird by accident. Unfortunately Seren’s touch
drains an endurance and the bird died.
Winner – Dirk and Hamish

3)	Other business
a)	It is planned that the Seagate Times is going to be produced as a PDF
with printed copies on request. The PDF should be up Saturday
afternoon/Sunday morning. A list of people wanting printed copies at the
Guild meeting will be added to the editorial page on the wiki
b)	The Elemental Proposal is still in playtest. Feedback to Bernard.

Meeting closed.

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SubjectRe: [dq] Guild meeting minutes - Autumn 09
FromJacqui Smith
DateSun, 08 Mar 2009 20:04:35 +1300
> c)	Jacqui – running an overflow. Mondays.
Speaking of which has anyone claimed the Island of Delph? The wiki entry 
is very brief, and it's hard to tell  if  anyone has  been there.

I need a jungle you see.... and it  looks like William  has  been 
playing with the  one in the  SE  of Arabie.


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SubjectRe: [dq] Guild meeting minutes - Autumn 09
DateSun, 08 Mar 2009 20:53:00 +1300
character confusion - was melco instead of hamish :)

Date sent:	Sun, 08 Mar 2009 15:47:15 +1300
Send reply to:
Subject:	[dq-announce] Guild meeting minutes - Autumn 09
From:	<>

> Seagate Guild of Adventurers
> Guild Meeting Minutes
> Autumn 809 WK
> 1)	Adventures Going Out
> a)	Ben - Captain Elrick of the Seagate Watch. Needs responsible parties
> to join the recruiting program for the Watch. He is looking for rumours of
> corruption and graft.
> b)	Ian - Isil Eth looking for somebodies to do something. Confirmed as
> Tuesdays - Low Medium. 
> c)	Jacqui - running an overflow. Mondays.
> There are three other adventures already full on the Wiki.
> 2)	Nominations
> a)	Smartest
> No nominations and no award
> b)	Bravest
> i)	Dirk - charged a large troll that had sharp disks revolving around it
> and went into close. Managed to keep it occupied for two pulses.
> ii) Sooty - Summoning a dragon
> Winner - Dirk
> c)	Stupidest
> i)	Lizette - flying in a cavern that was mostly occupied with a
> waterspout
> ii) Sooty - ordering Lizette to fly in a cavern that was mostly occupied
> by a waterspout
> iii) Dwork - Insulting the Demon of Fates
> Winner - Dwork
> d)	Best Death
> i)	Dirk - blowing up a crystal vial, while he was inside it
> ii) **Hamish** was in fact melco - running down a pitch dark corridor. First he hit the
> frictionless floor which slid him into a petrification ward. The resulting
> statue then slammed into a wall and shattered.
> iii) Kilroy - The party were being discrete so they were all unscryable,
> unlocatable, invisible etc. They were ambushed by an archer so Kilroy
> changed into a bird and flew down a dark alley, slamming into the wall and
> being knocked unconscious. The party went to find him, and Seren found the
> unconscious, invisible bird by accident. Unfortunately Seren´s touch
> drains an endurance and the bird died.
> Winner - Dirk and **Hamish**
Character was in fact melco

> 3)	Other business
> a)	It is planned that the Seagate Times is going to be produced as a PDF
> with printed copies on request. The PDF should be up Saturday
> afternoon/Sunday morning. A list of people wanting printed copies at the
> Guild meeting will be added to the editorial page on the wiki
> b)	The Elemental Proposal is still in playtest. Feedback to Bernard.
> Meeting closed.
> -- to unsubscribe notify --

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SubjectRe: [dq] Guild meeting minutes - Autumn 09
FromIan Wood
DateSun, 8 Mar 2009 19:08:30 +1100 (EST)
from memory Greg Taylor gm'ed there 20 years ago.

Isil Eth went there twice i think.
there is a volcano, or high hill - could not be sure as there were no tell tale signs like hobbits throwing jewels in to the top - with a portal to a hall of portals (one portal for every plane of existance).
I may have some scribe notes but i am not confident.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jacqui Smith <>
Sent: Sunday, 8 March, 2009 8:04:35 PM
Subject: Re: [dq] Guild meeting minutes - Autumn 09

> c)    Jacqui – running an overflow. Mondays.
Speaking of which has anyone claimed the Island of Delph? The wiki entry is very brief, and it's hard to tell  if  anyone has  been there.

I need a jungle you see.... and it  looks like William  has  been playing with the  one in the  SE  of Arabie.


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SubjectRe: [dq] Guild meeting minutes - Autumn 09
FromIan Wood
DateSun, 8 Mar 2009 19:09:10 +1100 (EST)
oh yeah, i think there were lizards or something down low.

others can remember better than i perhaps,


----- Original Message ----
From: Jacqui Smith <>
Sent: Sunday, 8 March, 2009 8:04:35 PM
Subject: Re: [dq] Guild meeting minutes - Autumn 09

> c)    Jacqui – running an overflow. Mondays.
Speaking of which has anyone claimed the Island of Delph? The wiki entry is very brief, and it's hard to tell  if  anyone has  been there.

I need a jungle you see.... and it  looks like William  has  been playing with the  one in the  SE  of Arabie.


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Subject[dq] Languages of the North
FromClare Baldock
DateSun, 08 Mar 2009 21:10:46 +1300

I am making a new character and wish her to be from a "Norse-ish"  
background. Perhaps from Ivania, Norden or Swenway.

If anyone has GMed these areas, or played there and can tell me what  
language is spoken in that part of the world it would be useful.



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