Act III - Upton-on-Sea: Oh We do like to be beside the sea-side

Scene I  W'nsday 2nd Frost.  Roof of the "Grande" hotel, early morning.
The Party and Zanni on wings, winds and divers flying mechanisms.
Zanni, it appears, acting upon instructions from Dawn has rented the entire top floor of the stone "Grande Hotel", some 12 large rooms, at the sum of 1 guinea a night.  Unaccustomed to such large sums Amelia requires some reassurance.  The floor has many windows and balconies, and quite a number of staircases, both public and for servants, leading to the roof and downstairs.  The building is solidly designed, though militarily indefensible.  After checking out the rooms Braegon sets watches and the party sleep until a late breakfast. Braegon has a complicated watch schedule, but as certain members of the party are engaged in other activities he and Roke assume the guise of others, in order that the schedule not be altered.
Braegon [to Roke]: "You be Dawn, and I'll be Pent".

Philosophical Interlude: Concerning Serendipity and the nature of Spectres.  It has not passed the party's notice that Lady Godrock has a number of unusual attributes: she can float and pass through walls, she is never seen in bright light, she practices magic of the Dark branch of the Celestial college, touching her drains life, and she can only be struck by magical weapons.  These attributes are not dissimilar to those possessed by certain members of the Greater Undead, most particularly the Spectre. Lady Godrock does not however appear to be undead, the arts of the Healer appear effective upon her, and those wards and charms against the undead are not sovereign.  In the absence of further evidence it does not seem possible to accurately categorize Lady Godrock, though a tentative hypothesis of "living Spectre" might be made.

Scene II  Thr'sday 3rd Frost.  Top floor of the "Grande" hotel, mid-morning.
The Party.
The party enjoy a sumptuous buffet breakfast, and thereafter examine Columbina's locket.  After ascertaining that the outside at least is not magical the locket is opened and inside is found a miniature of Columbina, and a small, dull mirror.  Investigation proves that the mirror shows one's hearts love, (or hate).  Amelia sees Arthur.  Mortimer sees Petal.  Serendipity sees a familiar face.  The nature of the magic appears illusory, but we surmise that the image may be drawn from the viewer's mind.  Other members of the party see only a mirror. The scribe is unsurprised that our fearless leader sees a reflection.
[Enter Zanni]
We ask Zanni to look at the "picture" in the locket and confirm the person's identity, but when he views the mirror the colour drains from his face, he snaps the locket closed, and he refuses to discuss the image that he has rather obviously seen, despite harsh questioning. Zanni refuses to even confirm that the image he saw has no bearing on our mission. Some members of the party begin to consider impolite actions.  Mortimer assures Zanni that he has a strong moral objection to torture -- though this do not produce the relief expected.  Zanni agrees to meet with Il Capitano's southern contacts and make enquiries regarding Brighella.
[Exit Zanni]
The party discuss theories as to whom Zanni saw, (Amelia's suggestion that Zanni saw Pedrolino, and that he is that Mime Lords son seems plausible).  The Party, having learned that Brighella played an unusual instrument -- a six-stringed lute -- consider ways to find him. Seeking the name of the best maker of musical instruments hereabouts we are directed by the Concierge of the Grande to a shop off the marketplace and above a silversmiths.  The party prepare to go out and investigate.  Looking out the windows at the wide promenade we observe the locals.  They are dressed in fine style, not unlike Destinians, but in solid, bright, thought not usually primary colours.  The gentlemen tend towards doublets and trews and some carry small-swords, or daggers.  The ladies wear wide skirts that require considerable room and some carry parasols.  Some few of the ladies are dressed like the men and carry weapons.  Having selected clothes and accessories that will not greatly dismay the locals we venture forth.

Scene III  Thr'sday 3rd Frost.  The Promenade and Market of Upton-on-Sea, early afternoon.
The Party  and many locals for colour.
The party promenades, space is offered us and in no particular haste we head for the marketplace. The scene is not unlike home, though rather cleaner and more prosperous than almost all parts of the Baronies, the cries of the street hawkers are mellifluous, and the urchins rather more rosy-cheeked and less smelly than the norm.  Overall the crowds appear nothing so much as stage extras enacting a market scene in a play, but without any obvious choreography.  There are some several street performers; jugglers, tumblers and musicians, and we head off down a side-street to the silversmith.
[Enter Pedro]
The smith is easy enough to find, and Roke, Dawn and Pent engage him in conversation. He refers them to his brother Paulo, who makes fine musical instruments in a workshop above the smithy.

Scene IV  Thr'sday 3rd Frost.  The workshop of Paulo, early afternoon.
Roke, Dawn, Pent and Paulo.
Roke discusses musical instruments, and specifically six-stringed lutes with Paulo, who expresses that such an instrument is "unusual", since it is not possible to play six strings without six fingers.  Paulo does however confirm that Brighella did posses such a lute, made by Paulo (before it was realized that he was a Mime Lord), and that Brighella had six fingers.  Obviously something that slipped both Zanni's and Il Capitano's minds to mention.  Roke commissions a "replacement" lute of the same dimensions as before, for 20 guineas, and Paulo becomes rather pale and sweaty.
[Exit All except Paulo]
[Offstage Back on the street] Roke explains what has happened to the rest of the party and uses his "Wizard's face" to spy upon proceedings in the house. Within there is turmoil.  Paulo is panicking, and discussing options for fleeing with his wife.  It appears that he has mistaken Roke and companions for the minions of the Mime Lord Brighella and is considering whether he should flee immediately.  Quickly the party contrives a recovery.
[Enter Serendipity and Mortimer, posing as police agents ]
Eschewing the theatrical convention of good cop / bad cop for the more avant-garde archetypes of extremely frightening cop and sinister cop, Serendipity and Mortimer gather up Paulo, Pedro and their wives and explain how matters stand.  Serendipity tells how she knows that Paulo has just been contacted by several disreputable types, minions of Brighella, how they are under surveillance by the proper authorities and how it would go well for Paulo if he recounted all that had happened.  Apparently satisfied with Paulo's rendition of the facts, she then instructs him not to begin work on the lute, and to stall the miscreants should they return.  Having thus unburdened the instrument maker we leave.
[Exit Serendipity and Mortimer]

Scene V  Thr'sday 3rd Frost.  The Market and Promenade of Upton-on-Sea, early afternoon.
The Party  and many locals for colour.
On the way back to the Grande, the party discusses the nature of Proscenia.  Braegon ventures that the mimes may perhaps be a form of scapegoat, made illegal and hated to give the people a common enemy.  Roke's spell of Location on Zanni suddenly fails and a new spell fails to locate him. We return to the hotel.

Scene VI  Thr'sday 3rd Frost.  The Grande Hotel, early afternoon.
The Party, Concierge and liveried staff.
Zanni proves not to be in our rooms.  Dawn desires to fly and, since it is not felt safe for a single party member to go alone, Serendipity accompanies her.
[Exit Dawn and Serendipity]
Pent is given a sealed scroll by the Concierge.  The scroll has no magic upon it but when Mortimer breaks the seal it begins to burn. The message reads: "I await my carpet delivery".  The use of a divinatory device reveals an image of a barrow of apples in the marketplace, suggesting a disguised mime was nearby.
[Enter Zanni]
Zanni arrives back and tells the party members present that Il Capitano's contacts will be arriving at the hotel mid-evening, and will blend into our soiree!

[Offstage, an Aerial interlude]
Dawn and Serendipity fly out of town and during their flight observe some shadow-winged arrivals at one of the secret landing fields.  They steal close and observe what appears to be police officers of some sort relaxing in an arrival area disguised as a barn.  Apparently unobserved by the police, Dawn and Serendipity sneak away and depart.

Scene VII  Thr'sday 3rd Frost.  The Grande Hotel, late afternoon.
The Party and Zanni.
Zanni, with help from the staff of the Grande has organized in short order an intimate soiree for several hundred of our closest total strangers, demonstrating that he does indeed have some useful skills.  Zanni also explains Roke's previous loss of locate on him by informing us that he had portalled back to Proscenia city to keep Il Capitano up to date on our activities.  He also informs us that he believes that he will be recalled soon as Il Capitano thinks us a disharmonious group -- Zanni having somehow garnered the impression that we had threatened him.  Your scribe once again tries to assure Zanni that he has a most strong moral objection to torture and once more Zanni appears little relieved.  Before departing to finish soiree preparations Zanni tells us that Il Capitano's contacts will speak to us at the gathering and that we should tell them that "we're not from around here".
[Exit Zanni]
Party discusses soiree, mimes, winged police, Il Capitano's cunning plan and Zanni's usefulness.  Roke and Pent decide that with an hour or so to go it is time to engage the services of a tailor.  Fortunately the Concierge manages to find each of them suitable, though somewhat worn outfits. Braegon, being under an illusion is unable to change his clothes, although that appears a fairly normal state of affairs. Dawn appears in a crimson confection, Serendipity dresses in stunning style, Amelia is clad in fey finery, and your scribe is attired in an unspeakable ensemble.

Scene VIII  Thr'sday 3rd Frost.  The Grande Hotel, dusk.
The Party attired for a soiree, Zanni, Concierge and liveried staff]
Mortimer asks Zanni, as a trainee Binder, if he could fix the braid on Roke's jacket, which he does, though the appearance of the magic is a little unusual and fails to completely dismiss suspicions that he is actually a mummer.
[Enter Aristocrats, unfashionably early]
Our guests begin to arrive, announced at the door by the Concierge, and duly DAed by Serendipity and Roke, our Celestial checking for "strongest magical ability" and our Enchanter -- who knew they could DA? -- for "degree of ability in mummery".  Many of the arriving guests do indeed have magical abilities -- far more than at a similar gathering on Alusia -- though many are of the cantrip or quasi-magical variety (healing and bardic voice among them).  Prestidigitation features. Some have fuzzy auras similar to Columbina. One interesting demi-mondaine, accompanying a much older gentleman, possesses the Mind College and is master level in one of the less socially acceptable arts, as well as having moderate skill in mummery.  A middle aged man of the De Vespa family also possesses moderate mummery, as does one of the five members of the Artistic Enforcement squad who arrive and begin pooping the party.  Overall a third of our guests possess some skill in mummery; included in this are three of the five guards, who also between them as their most powerful magic possess: Flying, Fireball, Hypnosis, Mind Cloak and Hellfire.

The soiree is by now in full swing. Dawn holds court on a balcony, brought canapés and a few too many drinks by eager young gentlemen, Pent lurks nearby.  Amelia and Mortimer mingle with the guests, looking, at least in part, for any with six fingers, and take the opportunity to speak with the Enforcers.  It appears that we are from a "permitted plane".  Braegon turns our designated room of retreat into the smoking den for aged and crusty gents, and Roke and Serendipity dance -- somewhat less expertly than the locals -- Roke suffers with an appearance of pleasure.  Taking a break from enjoying Serendipity's company, Roke dances with a matron (with only slight mummery skills) who complains that standards have slipped since her day, and that several of the young ladies are in danger of acquiring a chill.  She also tells how the Enforcers turn up at most major events though they are never invited.
[Exit some Elderly Guests, Enter some Younger Guests]
The Enforcers wall-flower in the ballroom.  Dawn chats with her coterie of young men who tell how the Enforcers are the "fashion police", attending parties and reprimanding those whose aesthetics are too avant-garde.  They enforce the standard and styles of society.  One tells an amusing anecdote of having to return a hat that was too large by an inch.

Zanni tells Braegon that one of Il Capitano's contacts has arrived.  Braegon attempts to clear the elderly gentlemen from the smoking room by opening windows and bringing in musicians and manages instead to make it the "party room". Dawn leads the enthusiastic party goers up to the roof and the remaining members of the Party manage a few minutes with the contact, Lord Bartello.  Once the password has been given he tells how readings of the runes have been unsuccessful in locating "the fiddler", Brighella, and confirms that only two persons are believed to have left Dom Daniel.  Somewhat as an aside he mentions critics, who are licensed and audited by Artistic Enforcement. A council (of critics?) sets the standards and advises Enforcement. Trends are apparently acceptable, except where they go against accepted standards; making a statement is dangerous.

The Party disperse and smoking is resumed in the room just as the Enforcers arrive to investigate. Braegon and Mortimer smoke, Lord Bartello snores.  The Enforcers stare at us.  Mortimer returns the stare through a magical monocle that is examined and returned. The Enforcers go up to the roof and instruct the musicians to play something more acceptable.

Pent discusses body guarding with some of the aristocrat's bodyguards.  This appears to have become popular recently following a trend set by King Antelone.  Also appears rather low risk by Alusian standards. Roke chats with one Fredericco, a hafling who arrived disguised as a human, who has apparently retired to a life of leisure after the difficult profession of having no job.  Dawn discusses soirees and discovers that perhaps two a week is the norm with the rest of the time filled with various noble pursuits.  She is also told that there are enough Enforcers to guard the palace, perhaps 50 to 100.  The party winds down, guests depart and Serendipity and Mortimer dance the last waltz, eye to eye, and both floating off the floor.
[Exit Aristocratic Guests]
As the musicians pack up Serendipity discusses Alusian music with them and then sings Brighella's astrology reading.  The musicians become furtive, claiming not to know it, and when pressed claim not to want to know it, and that it is dangerously out of fashion. They are however happy to learn an elven folk tune.  Dawn annoys them with questions. Zanni tips them extra as they depart.
[Exit Musicians, Concierge, liveried staff and Zanni]
Party discuss happenings.  Dawn, somewhat the worse for drink says of the musicians: "Hypocrites! ...they're the ones that don't eat horses".  Serendipity determines to do another star reading, this time simply on "Who has left Dom Daniel" and receives an abbreviated form of the earlier "I remember sky" verses.
[Exeunt the Party to sleep]

Scene IX  Freyasday 4th Frost.  The top floor of the Grande Hotel, mid-morning.
The Party and Zanni.
The Party are none the worse for wear after their revels of last night, save Serendipity who cloaks herself in clouds of darkness.  The Party question Zanni about his knowledge of last night's guests.  He knows many by reputation at least, and appears nervous once again as though he finds being questioned by the group stressful. Oddly, several large rugs -- previously on the floors in rooms are missing. There is speculation that they are either being cleaned or have been taken by mimes.  Zanni is despatched to investigate.
[Exit Zanni]
There is general discussion on Proscenia, mimes, Il Capitano's motives, and Patch; our captive mime.  We decide to release the mime and see if he will offer any useful information.  Pent removes the hibernation spell.
[Enter Patch, transformed into a snake]
We foolishly attempt to use various "speak to animals" type abilities, forgetting that he is still essentially himself, simply cursed into the form of a snake.  Communication goes badly and even after we begin using common we get little information. Mortimer removes the curse.  Patch offers to communicate via charades, but after the Party's initial dismal attempts settles for a combination of writing and some gestures.  He claims to have travelled to Alusia "to get to the other side", and that Il Capitano did not see him.  He cannot or will not communicate certain things as they are "in breech of employer confidentiality".  Patch appears unsure whether he is psychopathic or evil, but claims not to want to overthrow society, though he is none too keen on the current King.  He doesn't want "to be our enemy... or not to be".  He knows Zanni and (some gesture which your scribe believes may mean that he knew him when he was younger / growing up).  He knows that Zanni's parents are gone, and appears saddened.  He also agrees that Pedrolino is gone, and puts vertical lines between these suggesting that they are not the same person.  Overall he is not terribly helpful.  We ask him to take a message to his companions and he agrees.  We write that we would like to seek common ground and look for mutual benefit.  When we ask him how we might contact him he detaches an ear -- complete with earring -- and leave it with us.  We release him.
[Exit Patch]
Roke uses locate to track Patch and then loses the location some time later and across town.  We discuss returning to Proscenia city and thence exploring Calenture.  This turns into a general discussion of astrology readings, mummery and Patch.  Dawn desires to speak to the winds on the hotel roof, and in keeping with our policy of no-one being left alone, Roke accompanies her.
[Exit Dawn and Roke]
General discussion continues.

Scene X  Freyasday 4th Frost.  The Roof and Top Floor of the Grande Hotel, around noon.
[This scene requires an upper and lower stage.  The upper represents the Roof of the hotel, the lower, the party's room on the top floor.  It will be necessary to have mechanisms for opening a hole between the stages, and also to have actors fly on and off the top stage and also fall through it].

(upper stage)
[Upper stage only is lit]
Enter Dawn and Roke.
Dawn proceeds to begin ritual.  Roke guards.  Roke spots something in the distance.  It resolves into six figures, dressed in black, out over the sea and riding the winds towards the rooftop.  Roke moves to the roof edge to cry down to the party's balcony and sees black carriages parked in front of the hotel, with dark garbed figures mustering.  Roke calls party to arms, Dawn interrupts her ritual.
[Dim lights]

(lower stage)
[Raise lights on The Party less Dawn and Roke]
Roke's call alerts the party who begin to prepare.  There is a brief discussion with Braegon and Amelia as to whether we intend to resist arrest.  They counsel a soft resistance. Braegon: "Don't kill them until they attack us".
Party withdraws to corner room, and prepares.
[Exit Pent to roof.  Dim lights]

(upper stage)
[Raise lights on Dawn and Roke]
Roke prepares weapons.
[Enter Six Artistic Enforcers, flying]
Roke engages the newly arrived guards in conversation. They instruct him to "cease and desist", and tell him that if he doesn't come quietly he will be "resisting arrest".  Roke drops his sword so that it dangles by its lanyard, and quickens himself and Dawn. He asks the guards in whose name they are making this arrest, but they do not reply.
[Dim lights]

(lower stage)
[Raise lights on Braegon, Serendipity, Amelia and Mortimer]
The members of the party still on the top floor continue to prepare.  Amelia grabs packs. Mortimer blocks off access to the room with a wall of thorns and Braegon makes a goodly hole in the roof.
[Use mechanism to open a tunnel between the lower and upper stages, and raise lights on upper stage]

(upper stage)
[Already present Dawn, Roke and Artistic Enforcers]
Surprised perhaps by the appearance of the tunnel, one of the Artistic Enforcers impales Roke's leg with a spear.
[Enter Pent, running with javelin]
Pent retaliates by stabbing a guard.

(lower stage)
[Already present Braegon, Serendipity, Amelia and Mortimer]
Amelia throws packs onto roof, attempting to kill Pent with one of the heavier ones.  Mortimer flies Amelia and other packs through the tunnel to the roof.  Braegon flies himself, and Serendipity takes to the skies on wings, enshrouded in clouds of darkness.
[Exit Amelia, Mortimer and Braegon to upper stage, exit Serendipity into the flies. Dim lights on lower stage]

(upper stage)
[Already present The Party and Artistic Enforcers, less Serendipity]
A general melee ensues. Roke and Pent fight with two Enforcers.  The others, who are mages, hang back and cast. Amelia prepares weapons, Mortimer flies to far left of roof to get behind Enforcer mages. Dawn becomes caught in Hands of Earth. The party is still unsure as to the level of resistance to be offered and take their cue from the actions of the Enforcers.  The Enforcer mages use Lightning Bolt and Hellfire on the party.  Taking their cue from the "subdual" magics of the Enforcers the party responds in kind.  Mortimer casts Hellfire back.
[Enter and exit Serendipity flying]
Serendipity makes a strafing pass on wings and hits several with a Blackfire.  After careful consultation with our military leader, Braegon tunnels the roof again, dropping the two "warrior" Enforcers down several stories, and Roke, now unengaged, uses an item to cast Necrosis on the remainder.
[Exit Two Enforcers through the stage, Three Enforcers crumple to the floor]
The remaining Enforcer, who had cast the Lightning Bolt, attempts to run for the edge of the building and as he dives off Mortimer curses him.
[Exit Last Enforcer, blinded]
The party takes rapid stock of their situation.  Braegon breaks Dawn out of her Hand of Earth. Mortimer checks on the fallen Enforcers. Unfortunately our vigourous soft resistance and use of similar subduing magics appears to have been too much for one of the Enforcers who expires despite your scribe's best efforts.  The party grab scattered equipment, and leave on wings, winds, flying armour and a magic carpet.  We take with us the only loot of the mission so far, an Enforcer's spear still stuck through Roke's leg.

Scene XI  Freyasday 4th Frost.  Open countryside some 15 miles from Upton-on-Sea, an hour after noon.
Enter The Party on wings, winds and divers flying mechanisms.
The party land in hills a distance from Upton-on-Sea and stop for very late "elevenses"; Tea and Trollskins. We engage in a discussion as to who set the guards on us, imbibe many restoratives, cast various magics --including, cunningly, Walking Unseen as this will render us visible to each at close range, but should render us invisible to distant observers.  We depart back towards Proscenia city and our employer.
[Exeunt Omnes]

End of Act III

Act II - Proscenia: A Kingdom for a stage Index
Act IV - Proscenia City: Alarums and Excursions