Act VIII - Finale

Scene I  Sunday 27th Frost.  The Proscenian side of the portal to Calenture, early afternoon.
Already present
Border Guards.
All the Party with King Arturo, and Courtiers, Servants, and Guards.

Serendipity explains to the border guards that King Arturo is actually a dashing hero who is sneaking to the palace to rescue the princess (who is disguised as a princess) and thwart the dastardly plans of the tyrant who is disguised as the king. Arturo further distracts the guards.  The group wanders through town and into the country. Braegon and Pent appear to believe that the rest of the party has gone mad, and wonder if perhaps Dom Daniel has affected their companions in some dire fashion, but after much persuading and arguments they agree to follow the lead of those who have escaped Dom Daniel.  Seren and Amelia are disguised as servants (by the simple expedient of wearing servants hats) leave for the palace bearing a message for the princess.
[Exit Seren and Amelia]
To give them time to deliver their message the remainder of the party accompany "our hero" on his quest. He overcomes a skeleton, a great pit, an area of slowness, and a wall of thorns (all thoughtfully provided by the party). Having whiled away some time we return to town, gathering some guards and take a portal to the palace.
[Exeunt Omnes]

Scene II  Sunday 27th Frost.  The Palace, Proscenia, late afternoon.
Enter downstage left Braegon, Roke, Dawn, Mortimer and Pent, with King Arturo, and Guards.
Enter upstage left Serendipity and Amelia.
The groups meet up and  enter the  throne room.
Enter downstage right  Antelone and Lackeys.
Enter upstage right Princess and Ladys-in-waiting.

Amelia locks the door.  Our hero kisses the princess and realises that she is his daughter. Guards and lackeys fight. Braegon uses a wall of stone to keep guards and lackeys away from Arturo and Antelone.  They fight with sword and scepter respectively, and sing a stirring duet as they battle. Although Arturo is our hero and fights with right on his side the evil tyrant appears to be winning. With sudden inspiration Mortimer casts a great curse upon Antelone, causing his range to drop to a baritone, and almost immediately Arturo runs him through. Antelone sings a death aria and expires after only a single encore.  King Arturo knights some chairs,  and Il Capitano reappears leading Artistic Enforcers who set to rounding up other Artistic Enforcers.
[Curtain falls]
(Staging note: should the producer wish for an appropriate, theatrical, but harmless curse -- to use in place of the real thing -- Mortimer offers the following verse: "Usurper you are, and Tyrant you be, a Villain's baritone voice for thee!").

Encore  W'nsday 30th Frost.  The Palace, Proscenia, mid-morning.
Already present
The Party, King Arturo, Arlechinno, Brighella, Il Capitano, Zanni, other named actors, Proscenian Courtiers, Servants and Guards.

A royal court is held.  The chancellor declares that the "coup was unsuccessful", indicating that the last year did not occur. Servants are rewarded. Changes to the court are announced; there are to be less statues and more people.  As there has been no coup, and hence nothing for the party to do, we "guests" are given friendship rings: silver rings with mime symbols and the royal seal, which are worth about what one might expect, and are told that we are being sent, or perhaps deported to the south coast.
[Curtain falls]


And thus good gentles our tale is told,
Of villains vile and venturers bold.
We trust eight acts they did not bore,
Though from the rear we heard a snore.
We'd rather hoped your attention to hold,
But either way the seat was sold,
And for those who'd chance Proscenian shores,
We pray this tale did give you pause.
The Mummer's art's no harmless game,
Though nor perhaps a cause for shame,
But to those who'd wear motley in civilized lands,
Please do it in private and then wash your hands.
So greet all the mimes with a smile or a frown,
But run for your lives when they send in the clowns.

End Note: Il Capitano was less than gracious and withheld a goodly portion of our reward, some of which was made up by Columbina.  At midnight on the 30th we were deported and arrived home in the main square of Seagate.

Act VII - Dom Daniel:
Send in the Clowns - Index